Monday, June 29, 2015

2015 Active Runner 10 for Them 10 Miler

Goal: race for the win
Result: 1:06:14 for first female and third overall

     I wasn't originally going to race this race but Randy from Active Runner asked me to come run it about a month before and knowing that it was going to be a well-organized, fun, hilly race for a good cause, I agreed. This wasn't going to be much of a social event. I wanted to get there, race, see a few peeps and get home. But then Margaret said she was racing and then a few other MCRR peeps said they were running it, so I knew that there would be a bunch of familiar faces out there. Also, Mike Ryan, who I had run with on the Buckeye Trail 20 mile training run was going to be there. On the drive there the rain was coming down hard and I was suddenly nervous. I was pretty sure I would be going for the win and no matter how small the race, I get nervous about that.
     This was the inaugural year for 10 for Them and featured just the 10 mile distance. The unique point to point course started in Strongsville at the Pat Catan stadium and ended in Brunswick on the high school track. The course was incredibly well-marked with many volunteers along the way and cones set in place to keep the runners safe from cars. Good energy too! I liked the loud music at the start and finish. The course was moderately hilly, with a net uphill to the seven mile mark and then a net downhill to the finish.
     At the bib pick-up I met up with Margaret and we did a quick two mile warmup in the driving rain. It was plain down-pouring by then and it didn't let up the entire race. I also did a few half-hearted drills underneath the grandstand. We mainly talked about how difficult it would be to achieve prs in this weather and on this course. These are the days that you don't look at the watch and just race! Good thing, because I wasn't even wearing one. And I knew I would have to race. Tracy Meder was standing on the starting line. This would be the third time I raced her. At Circle City Mile I beat her by one second and at Erie Marathon last year I was just 20 seconds ahead of her. This wasn't going to be a cakewalk.
And go! Beat the boys. Well, all but two of them. Photo Credit: The Medina Post

     I started fast, as usual, and was ahead of the lead guys for about 400 meters. I gradually slowed down and Mike and Ryan pulled ahead of me. No one else passed me for the rest of the race. I think this is the first time that has happened. The first two miles were really uneventful. I was going about 6:30 pace I would say, and feeling very comfortable. About half marathon effort. I looked behind me at about 3 miles and realized Tracy was right behind me. Alright, time to race. I told myself that if she didn't catch me by 7 miles that I would be fine after that. There were many turns and rolling hills for those first 7 miles. There were also rivers of water flowing down the roads and wide puddles that I had to either maneuver around or wade through. I tried to stay smooth, hold a good form and work hard on the hills. I still kept the effort in check though. I wanted to be able to go after it in the final miles. Tracy seemed to match every effort I put out, but she didn't close the gap. The volunteers were amazing. Honestly, I love race volunteers. They are so friendly and helpful and make the general unpleasantness of racing a bit more tolerable. I accepted a Carb Boom! from one them at about 6 miles and took it right before the 6.5 mile aid station. The soreness and aching in my legs subsided after I took it. Side-effects of racing on high mileage!
Early miles. Saturated! Photo Credit: Crystal Yohman

     I skipped the 8 mile aid station and did my best to get going a bit. There was one more small hill leading into the 9 mile marker and after I hit that, I started a far-out kick for the finish. I'm not sure of my final mile time but my guess was that it was in the 6 teens. Most of my miles were probably in the 6:40s. It was fun to run the final stretch to the finish around the track. After I finished I waited for Tracy to come in and thanked her for pushing me to a faster time. No way I would have worked that hard if she hadn't been there. Margaret was third in 1:09! I started feeling tired, hungry and freezing soon after I finished and decided to head back to the start. I thought that the awards were being held there, but I was mistaken and ended up missing the official awards. I felt bad about that! Fellow MCRR, Cameron was kind enough to let me follow him back to the Brunswick stadium to pick up my award. I hope they hold this race again next year!

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