Monday, September 15, 2014

Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

"A" 3:12
"B" 3:18
"C" 3:24

     As I got closer to the running the Erie Marathon on September 14th, I knew that my goal times were pretty conservative, even though I lowered my "A" time from 3:21 to 3:12 just a few weeks ago. My fastest predictor was my last full Yasso workout, which was a 2:57 average. I had a 3:09 predictor from my 5k, a 3:11 from my 5 mile and a 3:14 from my half marathon. I thought that if conditions were ideal, I could run between a 3:00 and 3:10.
     My mom surprised me by coming down from Michigan with my brother Jesse. I was so happy to have them with me! Adam was staying home with the kiddos of course. We left by 3:15 a.m. on Sun morning to get to the packet pickup at 5:45 a.m. Traffic was pretty bad getting into the park and we didn't park until 6 a.m. This was still plenty of time, since I didn't plan on warming up until 6:40. I was supposed to get a pic with the running club at 6:45 but I had forgotten my gel flask and ibuprofin and had to run back to the car mid-warm up.

Fueling plan: 4 esspresso love gus poured into a gel flask and watered down. Take at 5 miles, half, 16 and 20 and then as needed towards end of race. Water at nearly every aid least one gulp.
Pacing plan: go by feel. Make sure I can carry on a conversation for at least 10 miles but preferably 16.
Mental focus plan: I wanted to make sure I knew the reality of having 10, 8 and even 6 miles left. "Don't get too excited, there is still xx miles left!" I didn't want to bonk, but knew I might, what with having so little marathon experience and going for a fast time.

     I lined up right behind the 7:00 pace sign and since there were so few people behind the 6:00 pace sign, the directors had us all move up pretty close to the start line. It only took me 10 seconds to cross the mat. One woman took off with the leading men's pack and two more women went out in about 6:30s. Me and Tracy were out in about 6:50. I tried not to listen to all of the guys around me talking about going for a sub 3 because it meant I was going too fast. I had decided not to start my watch and go only by feel. About 1 mile in a younger looking girl passed us and kept moving ahead at about 6:45 pace. She ended up third female. I talked to Tracy for 5 miles and a couple of guys caught us. I started talking with them and was feeling really good so I kept going with them at about 6:50-6:55 pace from 10k through 14 miles. It would have been wiser for me to stick with Tracy who ran a much more even race! I went through the half in 1:30:50, which is a half marathon pr. The guy I was running with said, "Well, you just pr'ed!" and I said "Yup" in a petrified voice. The half time really scared me because I knew that a 6:55 average was REALLY pushing it over 26.2, for me. I slowed down to about a 7:05 pace, which felt pretty easy and made sure I sipped my gu before every aid station.
     Coming up on 16 miles, I passed a lady who was stretching out her hamstrings. At this point I moved into fourth. I really did not want to focus on place as far as female rankings were concerned because there was so much race left, but I did start attaching myself to men that passed me and would tell myself just to hang on for a mile and then see what happens. I kept my pace between about 7:05 and 7:10 this way. The aid station volunteers were great. Held the water out far and let us know what was gatorade and what was water. This is important because I can't handle gatorade at all. I started feeling pukey around mile 18 but refused to stop taking my gu. I had to have it at this point and could feel myself fading as each mile drew to a close and then it was time to take another sip. The boost would last about four minutes before it would fade. My hip pain started at mile four after the ibuprofin wore off and got to its worst at about mile 10, but faded slowly after that and I couldn't even feel it by mile 20. I don't think it effected my race at all. Starting at mile 18 I kept telling myself exactly how many miles were left. That meant 8.2 instead of 8. When I was close to mile 19 I told myself there were less than 8 miles left. It was really important that I get the miles and points exact! I didn't want to surge and wear myself out before the final 10k.
     I went through 20 miles in 2:19, which was still a sub 7:00 average and I was very happy with this. I let myself realize that I was going to smash my "A" goal time and could pretty much walk it in to a BQ. I didn't want to walk though! I felt pretty good and just kept my stride smooth. I tried to smile and wave to the people cheering and was able to until about mile 23. I went from feeling okay and like I could keep going for a while longer, to feeling pretty bad during the 23rd mile. I must have slowed down to about a 7:30 during this mile. Lots of guys passed me. I hit the 24th mile and was completely done. I guess this is what they call the wall. I went from feeling pretty bad to "this race needs to be over now." A guy passed me and asked me how I felt. I answered that I was tired. He laughed a little and said, "Yeah, me too." He asked me what my goal time was and I said 3:12. He assured me that I had it and would be more like 3:05 to 3:07. I was pretty happy to hear this and thanked him and he moved ahead. I tried to latch on to one of the guys passing me and managed to stay with him for most of the 25th mile but had to stop and shake out my legs, so I lost him. I stopped one more time in the 26th mile, but then decided not to stop again until the finish because I was feeling majorly pukey. At this point I had slowed down to about 8:30 pace and felt like I was shuffling. I was weaving in and around half marathon finishers as well. Finally the last .2 came and I could see the finish line and hear the crowd cheering. I started to pick it up and realized that I was not going to make to the finish to puke. I had to wave people out of the way in order to find a spot! I lost at least 15 seconds stopping twice, about 20 feet from the finish line. I was feeling frantic at this point, and covered in digested coffee-flavored gu and I launched myself across the finish line. I did manage to notice that the clock said 3:07:26 and was ecstatic about that! Tracy had nearly caught up to me and was just 10 or so seconds behind me in fifth. I was really embarrassed about throwing up in front of everyone and I went of to the side of the finish and collapsed, desperate to find a way to get the puke off me. A lady on the other side of the fence handed me her water to wash up in and a race official came over to me asking if I needed to go to the medical tent. I told her no, that I would be fine and just wanted to clean up a little. I realized that I had not crossed the second mat and ran over it quickly. Tracy had just finished and was looking she hadn't even raced a marathon. I felt a bit like a noob, since I was such a mess! That's what I get for setting a half pr in the middle of a marathon! Mom and Jesse were waiting for me past the fenced off area and we took pics and headed down the beach to the lake so that I could get in and wash up. The water felt awesome. I started feeling freezing and sick on the way back to the car and was not able to cheer in any of my running buddies. I did see Patti coming in past my parked car and noted that she must have a pr. She did! I pretty much sat in the car with heat on high for an hour. Mom had to remind me over and over that I needed to get into dry clothes and finally I was able to. My back was killing me and it continued to hurt for the rest of the day. My kidneys had had it! I walked back to the finish area with Mom and Jesse and picked up my age group award. I kept looking for my running club peeps, but wasn't able to focus too well. We decided to get on the road since I needed to get home to the kiddies.

     I'm happy with the time, though I wish I had run more even halves. This is the first time I have met or beaten my "A" time this year. I will aim for a sub 3:00 next fall. I have to choose between Akron and Columbus. Columbus would give me the best chance for a sub 3:00, but Akron will give me a better chance to place overall. I also love hills, although they slow my overall pace down. I am going to try to run a few indoor track races during the winter to improve my speed. I will need this in order to hold a 6:50 for a marathon!